1st Info Day in Drama (Greece) on 26/09/2017

Sep 26, 2017

The Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, the Bulgarian National Authority and the Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme are organizing an Info Day on project implementation. The event is going to take place on September 26th 2017 in Drama (Greece) in Hotel Kouros (address: 3rd Kilometer Drama-Kavala Road, Post code: 66100, tel.: +30 25210 57200-3, fax: +30 25210 25800, e-mail: info@hotelkourosdrama.gr, http://www.hotelkourosdrama.gr).
The goal of the Info Day is to present to the beneficiaries of the approved projects, within the three calls of the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme,
guidelines for project implementation and financial management as well as their obligations for MIS data input and publicity requirements.
Draft agenda of the event is attached. The exact venue will be announced soon.
Pre-event registration is obligatory. Please fill in the participation form following the link  https://old-2014-2020.greece-bulgaria.eu/event/9_Partners-seminar no later than September 21st 2017.
Please note that a second Info Day with the same agenda will be organized in Blagoevgrad region (Bulgaria) in the second week of October 2017 for which you will be duly informed.
We would be happy to welcome you to the 1st Info Day event on project implementation of the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme.


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