EC Day 2017

Sep 20, 2017

Our objectives are to  promote the cooperation in the cross-border region : a) by urging people to donate blood and b) by addressing museums role in the field of education
Our events will unfold in two fields, aiming to inform various groups of people while touching the sensitive subjects of education and solidarity.

BULGARIA, 20/9/2017
Haskovo: Regional Museum of History (
  • A post card exhibition featuring interactive presentation of the history of the post cards
A one-day exhibition at the Regional Museum of History (RMH), Haskovo dedicated to 20th century post cards is foreseen.  The post cards follow the changes in the appearance of selected Bulgarian and European cities throughout the last century. Museum staff, trained within a joint Greece-Bulgaria cooperation project (see additional information below), will prepare and present in an interactive way the history of post cards as a mean of communication widely used in the near past.
  • An educational entertainment “Treasure Hunt” game
For the youngest participants in the event an educational entertainment “Treasure Hunt” game will be organized. Using booklet-questionnaires prepared in advance, the participants will have to search and find specific objects (treasures) from the museum permanent exhibition. The fastest/ the most successful “treasure-hunters” will be awarded with small branded gifts. The recommended number of participants in one round of the game is 15 with a duration of approximately one hour per round and the maximum number of rounds is three – e.g. three hours in total. 

GREECE, 21/9/2017

Orestiada: Central Square of the city (,
  • An open air desk  will be installed in the central square of the city of Orestiada aiming to raise awareness about the social responsible action of donating blood. “You don’t have to be a doctor to save a life”
 A one-day event which shall be the talk of the town! Music, balloons, leaflets, small presents and lots of volunteers will share their smile and give information on the sensitive issue of blood donation. Two primary-school visits have been arranged at the desk while  representatives of the Municipality -who participated in Greece-Bulgaria Programme as beneficiary- will be present.
  • A mobile blood donation unit will be welcoming blood-donators
The mobile unit  will be present in the central square in order to collect blood, expecting to welcome more than 40  donors. The collected blood will enrich the blood stocks of the local hospital.
  • Blood donation volunteers’ torch race
The 15th Panhellenic blood-donation volunteers’ torch race is organizing an evening event, in which the Flame of Love, as it is called, passes through all cities of Greece, through a festive atmosphere in order to end its route to the town that hosts the final celebrations.   

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