3rd Call for Project Proposals of the

Feb 10, 2017

Targeted interventions:
  • Infrastructure measures for flood protection for river Strouma/Strymon and for lake Kerkini.
  • Infrastructure measures for flood protection for river Mesta/Nestos.
  • Infrastructure measures for flood protection for river Maritza/Evros/Arda.
  • Impact assessment and floods protection cooperation.
  • Supply of specific equipment.
  • District Administration of Blagoevgrad
  • District Administration of Haskovo
  • District Administration of Kardjali
  • District Administration of Smolyan
  • Region of Central Macedonia
  • Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
  • Decentralised administration of Macedonia and Thrace
Application period:
from 22/12/2016 to 24/2/2017

Area of implementation
  • Region of Central Macedonia
  • Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace
Participation conditions
In order to submit a project proposal, the Applicant must refer to the Applicant’s Package and the Project Application Guidelines and to all relevant documents for this call for proposals. The Project Proposal must be submitted to the Programme’s Managing Authority/ Joint
Secretariat (JS) in electronic version, via MIS. Project Proposal consists of:
A. Electronic submission of the project proposal into the MIS of the programme, including the “Project Detailed Description” that should be uploaded as a separate document in PDF format, stamped and signed by the Legal Representative of the Lead Beneficiary.
To facilitate applicants’ familiarity with the electronic environment of the MIS a model for the application form is attached, although it is not demanded to fill it in and submit it in paper version.

B. The digital version of the following documents that have to be uploaded into the MIS of the programme:

1. The “Partnership Declaration” (standard form provided), stamped and signed by all the participating beneficiaries, uploaded in PDF format.
2. Annex 1: “Strategic Scope of the Project and Sustainability”, stamped and signed by the Legal Representative of the Lead Beneficiary, uploaded in PDF format.
3. The “Declaration of not generating revenues” (standard form provided) completed, stamped and signed by each beneficiary separately, uploaded in PDF format. In case of revenue generating project, a cost - benefit analysis should be attached, using the “Guide to Cost-benefit Analysis of Investment Projects - Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020” at  http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/studies/pdf/cba_guide.pdf.
4. The “State aid declaration” (standard form provided) completed, stamped and signed by each beneficiary separately, uploaded in PDF format.
5. Decision of the designated body or similar decision by the Legal Representative of each Project Beneficiary, according to the respective national legislation, stating its agreement for submitting the particular project proposal, signed and stamped,
uploaded in PDF format.
6. The “Justification of Budget Costs” (standard form provided), completed for the total project budget, uploaded in Excel format.
7. The relevant Bills of Quantities and Costs (BoQ) to the foreseen infrastructure activities by the beneficiaries, which must be stamped and signed by the Legal Representative, uploaded in PDF format. The JS may also request additional documentation for clarification of the above issues, during the evaluation procedure.

€ 11,500,000

Related files
Call for Proposal (PDF - 268.89 Kb)
User Guide (ZIP - 2.36 Mb)
Applicant's Package (ZIP - 3.57 Mb)
Annexes (ZIP - 1003.42 Kb)
Communication info
Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (Interreg III)
URL: http://www.interreg.gr/default.aspx?lang=en-GB&page=237
Address:65, Georgikis Scholis Av.Pylaia, Thessaloniki, GR-570 01
Phone: +30 +30 2310 469600
Fax:+30 +30 2310 469602
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Address:17-19 Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodi St., 1202 Sofia, Βulgaria
Phone: +359 2 9405672
Fax:+359 2 9405493
E-mail: MMladenov@mrrb.government.bg; NA-GR-BG@mrrb.government.bg
Joint Secretariat INTERREG V-A Greece–Bulgaria 2014-2020
Address: 65, Georgikis Scholis Av.Pylaia, Thessaloniki, GR-570 01
Phone:+30 2310 469695
Fax:+30 2310 469623
E-mail: jts_grbg@mou.gr

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