Nov 11, 2022

On the occasion of the European Year of Youth (2022), INTERACT Programme organized on the 7th and 8th of November the Youth Road Show in Southeast Europe, one of the four (4)  areas in Europe with the most youth-related projects financed by Interreg during the 2014-2020 period.

Four youth projects of four different Interreg Programmes welcomed at their facilities in Thessaloniki and Serres in Greece, a group of representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the local and regional authorities and the Managing Authorities of the Programmes, highlighting the benefits that the young people of the area and the local community have gained from the implementation of the projects.

The four stops of the Youth Road Show were the following:

Stop 1: at the Chamber of Commerce of Serres, lead partner of the project EMPOYOUTH (Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece- North Macedonia 2014-2020”).  The project is about training and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people.  It aims to create employment opportunities for young graduates in the cross-border area, through the implementation of a comprehensive package of actions that will result in the employment of highly educated people and the emergence of prospects based on competitiveness, productivity and innovation.

Stop 2: at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Thessaloniki, lead partner of the project PROMO-YMC(H)A (Cooperation Programme Interreg VA “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”). The project is about youth and sports as a culture. The project is a continuation of YMC(H)A project from the period 2007-2013. It aims at the promotion and preservation of sports heritage through the development of tools for innovative sports education; the creation, improvement and modernisation of sports facilities; the development of new strategies to involve and educate young people, citizens of all ages, athletes or not, sports organisations/ associations and other local actors. During the visit, the project beneficiaries presented to the participants their project results, their impact on the youth of their territory and the benefits their region gained by participating in the project. Also, the participants visited the modernized sports facilities of the YMCA and the Basket Museum which were financed by the Programme.

Stop 3: at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, partner of the project TRANS-EDU-NET (Interreg VB Balkan Med 2014-2020). The project is about tourism entrepreneurship and vocational training for young people. Its initiative aims to counteract the increasing rate of youth unemployment, early school leaving, fewer opportunities to balance work and study and the brain drain of young and skilled people to countries with a more developed economy and the labour market that result in endangering the growth perspectives and potential in the area. The participants also visited the Vocational Training Institute of Tourism, in Perea-Thessaloniki whose students participated in the project by receiving training courses.

Stop 4 (last stop): at ZEROWASTEBSB project (ENI CBC Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 Programme) that is about Environment and Awareness raising to youth. The project aims at decreasing marine pollution due to waste production, especially plastic by conducting research on the current situation, sensitizing and informing society on waste production and the importance of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. In the frame of the project education activities addressed to students were organized and part of these activities was presented by the young students during the Youth Road Show visit.

Video | Youth Road Show in Southeast Europe | Inclusive Growth Network  

Video I Interreg Youth Roadshow I Slawomir Tokarski  

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