European Commission’s DG REGIO and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) continue to implement the Interreg Volunteer Youth initiative!

Jun 15, 2022

European Commission’s DG REGIO and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) continue to implement the Interreg Volunteer Youth initiative!

The Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative offers the possibility to young people aged 18-30 from any EU country and other partner countries to serve as volunteers in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects.

The initiative is aimed at involving young volunteers to support, promote and report the concrete achievements of Interreg, IPA-CBC and ENI-CBC programmes and projects, as well as generally promote cooperation across borders and related values such as solidarity.

Project Beneficiaries can host young IVY volunteers as:
- Interreg Project Partners that help with Interreg project implementation focusing on specific aspects or difficulties to be solved in fields such as solidarity projects, people to people projects, health projects, community-based projects, projects focusing on the social dimension of Interreg cooperation OR
- Interreg Reporters that help with disseminating information on the benefit of territorial integration on the ground, through reporting successful projects results via interviews, newsletters, events and social media

Volunteers can be hosted for a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 6 months.

AEBR financially supports all volunteers with a daily allowance for the entire duration of the IVY placement; insurance coverage; and a partial or full travel cost reimbursement.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to gain an external point of view and work with a young person with a fresh perspective in your organisation.

- Apply to host an IVY volunteer:
- Guidelines for host organisations:
- FAQs:
- More info:

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