New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022: Applications are now open!

Feb 07, 2022

Following the success of the first prizes last year with more than 2000 applications received from across Europe and beyond, the 2022 edition of the Bauhaus Prizes will celebrate new inspiring examples of the transformations we want to bring about in our daily lives, living spaces and experiences. The prizes will exemplify the New European Bauhaus values: sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics.

The prizes will recognize and celebrate existing beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas. 

There will be prizes in 4 different categories that reflect the thematic axes of transformation identified during the New European Bauhaus’ co-design phase and are inspired by the views and experiences of thousands of EU citizens and organisations:
- Reconnecting with nature
- Regaining a sense of belonging
- Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
- Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking

In each of the categories there are two parallel competition strands:
- New European Bauhaus Awards for existing completed projects
      - The winners will receive EUR 30 000 and a communication package
      - The runners up will receive EUR 20 000 and a communication package
- New European Bauhaus Rising Stars for ideas by young talents aged 30 or less
      - The winners will receive EUR 15 000 and a communication package
      - The runners up will receive EUR 10 000 and a communication package

To apply, visit the dedicated platform where you will find more information on the different categories of the prizes, the detailed guide for applicants, and the official contact point for the prizes. 
Applications are now open! Submit your project or idea by 28 February at 19:00 CET.

If you are an expert in one of the New European Bauhaus fields, until 31 March 2022 you can submit your expression of interest to evaluate applications for the 2022 edition of the Prizes.

  Partner Search

Looking for potential beneficiaries to discuss starting a new project? Or you want to join an existing partnership? This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in your project.

  Programme Projects

Search the projects financed by the Programme!

  Search for project Beneficiaries!

If you already have a clear project idea but still need partners or if you want to join an existing partnership, then you are at the right place!

This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in a project.