European Cooperation Day - ECDAY 2021

Sep 22, 2021

Green it up!

The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020",  in cooperation with the Municipality of Oreokastro are organising in the framework of the European Cooperation Day 2021 (EC-Day 2021), a tree planting event.
The event will take place on Saturday, the 25th of September 2021 at the area “Alonia” of the Municipality of Oreokastro (next to the Municipal Citizen’s Service Centre location), from 10.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m..

We commemorate the European Cooperation Day (also known as “EC Day”) on 21 September and this year we celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the ECDay campaign! With the “European Cooperation Day” campaign, European Union tries to remind citizens that many good things come out when we join forces. In the past events, people cycled together, sang together, ate together, and in general had a wonderful time in each other’s company in hundreds of events organised by EU cooperation programmes in over 30 countries.
Everybody can join this celebration. This is your chance to be part of it and fest with us in this special event.  

Let’s join our forces to make our world and our future greener!

Think Green, Act Green, Go Green!

The event will be outdoors and open to the public, however, all participants are kindly requested to respect the preventative measures in force against the spread of COVID-19.
In case more restrictive measures against the spread of COVID-19 are applied, relevant announcements will be pubished on the Programme website and social media pages, informing the interested parties of the event re-arrangements.

Facebook event/ EC-Day website
Press Release (EN)/ Press Release (EL)

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