Join the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative

Oct 09, 2020

The ‘Interreg Voulnteer Youth’ (IVY) initiative is an action to offer the possibility to young people aged 18-30 to serve as volunteers in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects. The initiative is managed by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and promoted by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission.

Volunteers will support, promote and report the concrete achievements of the programmes and projects, as well as generally promote cooperation and related values. While helping their host organisations, volunteers acquire a unique experience of personal growth and gain skills that they can employ in their future experiences.
Support and visibility through volunteering are the leitmotiv of this initiative.
We are aware of the difficulties in terms of mobility due to the current situation with the pandemic, this is why we have decided to allow remote volunteering. Volunteers could join you for a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 6 months, receiving an economic support from AEBR. In case you are interested in hosting Interreg Reporters, as I hope, I invite you to fill in the Programme Note available here and to send it to us via email at

We look forward to welcoming you as IVY´s host organisation!



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Looking for potential beneficiaries to discuss starting a new project? Or you want to join an existing partnership? This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in your project.

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If you already have a clear project idea but still need partners or if you want to join an existing partnership, then you are at the right place!

This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in a project.