Programme and Project Implementation Manual _UPDATE

Apr 16, 2020

The Managing Authority is taking appropriate measures considering the extraordinary circumstances caused by COVID-19 to be a “force majeure”.
Therefore, the Programme and Project Implementation Manual has been revised by adding the following note on page 19. 
Attention: In case of unforeseen external circumstances (i.e. force majeure, epidemic outbreaks, natural disasters etc.) and after a documented justification (e.g. orders, decrees or regulations published by the public authorities etc.), some irrecoverable costs which would otherwise be considered ineligible, may be treated as an “exceptional and duly justified case” and therefore may be eligible. Please note that these costs shall be eligible only in case they are not recoverable, according to existing contractual terms and are duly documented. 

In addition, we inform the Project Beneficiaries that: 
The Subsidy Contract and the Partnership agreement, as well as any amendment of them or an Addendum to the SC, may be signed by electronic signature or in scanned version (pdf). In this case these documents shall be only in electronic file. The original copies will be submitted after the end of the COVID-19 emergency but not later than the end of the project; In case that the signature of these documents is not possible then these could be signed after the end of the emergency situation  including a phrase that : due the fact that there was a health emergency was not possible to sign it before. The valid of this addendum is from the ….(the data of the ex-deadline of the project). 


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