1st Monitoring Committee: decisions & brief minutes

Nov 27, 2015

Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Greece- Bulgaria 2014-2020
Decisions and brief minutes 
of the Monitoring Committee 

1st Meeting, Sandanski, Bulgaria
4th of November 2015
The Monitoring Committee of Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Greece- Bulgaria 2014-2020, convened according to the invitation document number 301741/MA4455/14-10-2015, assembled on the 4th of November 2015 in Sandanski, Bulgaria, in order to discuss the following programme issues:
Approval of the Agenda
Internal Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee: presentation, discussion and approval
Internal Rules of Procedure of the Joint Secretariat: presentation, discussion and approval
Presentation and approval of the Communication Strategy
Presentation and approval of the Technical Assistance Plan
1st Call: presentation, discussion and approval
2nd Call: presentation, discussion and approval. Restricted for Strategic Project Proposals under Priority Axis 3
3rd Call: information on the progress for Strategic Project Proposals under Priority Axis 2
Conclusions – Decisions
Click  here to  read the document of the approved minutes


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