The 5th Call of the CP INTERREG VA

Mar 08, 2019

The 5th Call of the CP INTERREG VA "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" has opened!
All application will be submitted electronically through the SAMIS system:

Applicants are advised to read the following documents before submitting their investment plans:
  1. SAMIS_User Manual
  2. Call Documents
  3. FAQs (set 1 and set 2)
Please note that the SAMIS_User Manual is currently available only in English language. The translations of the manual into Bulgarian and Greek will be made available to the users next Thursday, the 14/3/2019.
Visit the Programme website regularly for updates.
For information purposes regarding the Call, potential beneficiaries may contact the Cooperation Programme Information Office at 65, Leoforos Georgikis Scholis, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel: +30 2310 469695, E-mail :, URL: All questions must be in writing and be sent by e-mail to the address
For technical aspects regarding implementation of State Aid in general, the potential beneficiaries may contact the HELPDESK (support office), which the Management Organisation Unit Of Development Programmes operates, tel: 210-7787940, (office hours 09: 00-17: 00 during work days).

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If you already have a clear project idea but still need partners or if you want to join an existing partnership, then you are at the right place!

This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in a project.