Project "DLTech UP" at the the national conference on smart agriculture "AGRO 4.0 - A look into the future"
Oct 03, 2022
The project "Accelerating the introduction of blockchain technologies" (with acronym "DLTech UP") of the CP Interreg VA "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" was presented at the national conference on smart agriculture "AGRO 4.0 - A look into the future". The event was organized by AGRO Hub.BG and was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Bulgaria on September 29th, in Plovdiv.
More than 120 representatives of technological companies, universities, farmers, local initiative groups from the South Central Planning Region and branch associations from the agricultural sector participated in it. The conference focused on the role of new technologies in agriculture, the digital future of agribusiness, precision and smart agriculture, blockchain technologies, artificial intelligence, computers and electronics in agriculture – these are just a few examples of topics that were discussed at the conference. The participants of the conference had the opportunity to share their views and ideas and improve their knowledge about modern technologies for increasing the productivity of industries.
The conference was opened with a panel with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Food Mr. Yavor Gechev and the Minister of Innovations and Growth - Mr. Alexander Pulev. In the second panel of the event, Iliya Godev, a member of the team of the National Mountain Milk Association, a partner in the DL TECH Up project, presented the goals of the project, its activities and the opportunities for researchers, manufacturers, IT developers and start-up companies that the project will promote through the creation and implementation of an Accelerator program for the use of blockchain technologies in the agri-food sector. Everything about the event in Bulgarian, including panelists and presentations, can be found at:
Openning panel
To the left – Mrs Svetlana Boyanova, Chair of AgroHub.BG; in the Middle – Mr Yavor Getchev, Minister of Agriculture and Food] to the right – Mr Alexander Pulev, Minister of Innovations and Growth.
Presentation of DLTech UP project by Iliya Godev during the Conference
Q&A session with panelists from Panel 3, where DLTech Up project was presented
More than 120 representatives of technological companies, universities, farmers, local initiative groups from the South Central Planning Region and branch associations from the agricultural sector participated in it. The conference focused on the role of new technologies in agriculture, the digital future of agribusiness, precision and smart agriculture, blockchain technologies, artificial intelligence, computers and electronics in agriculture – these are just a few examples of topics that were discussed at the conference. The participants of the conference had the opportunity to share their views and ideas and improve their knowledge about modern technologies for increasing the productivity of industries.
The conference was opened with a panel with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Food Mr. Yavor Gechev and the Minister of Innovations and Growth - Mr. Alexander Pulev. In the second panel of the event, Iliya Godev, a member of the team of the National Mountain Milk Association, a partner in the DL TECH Up project, presented the goals of the project, its activities and the opportunities for researchers, manufacturers, IT developers and start-up companies that the project will promote through the creation and implementation of an Accelerator program for the use of blockchain technologies in the agri-food sector. Everything about the event in Bulgarian, including panelists and presentations, can be found at:
Openning panel
To the left – Mrs Svetlana Boyanova, Chair of AgroHub.BG; in the Middle – Mr Yavor Getchev, Minister of Agriculture and Food] to the right – Mr Alexander Pulev, Minister of Innovations and Growth.
Presentation of DLTech UP project by Iliya Godev during the Conference
Q&A session with panelists from Panel 3, where DLTech Up project was presented
Проект „Ускоряване въвеждането на блокчейн технологиите“ (с акроним “DL Tech UP”) бе представен на национална конференция за интелигентно земеделие „AGRO 4.0 – Поглед в бъдещето“. Конференцията бе организира AGRO Hub BG и се проведе под егидата на Министерството на земеделието и храните на Република България на 29 септември в Пловдив.
В нея участваха над 120 представители на технологични фирми, университети, земеделски стопани, местни инициативни групи от Южен централен район за планиране, браншови сдружения от сектор земеделие. Във фокусът на конференцията бе ролята на новите технологии в селското стопанство, цифровото бъдеще на агробизнеса, прецизно и интелигентно земеделие, блокчейн технологии, изкуствен интелект, компютри и електроника в земеделието – това са само няколко примера за теми, които ще бъдат разгледани на конференцията. Участниците в конференцията имаха възможност да споделят своите възгледи и идеи и да подобрят знанията си за съвременните технологии за повишаване на производителността на отраслите.
Конференцията бе открита с панел с участието на Министъра на земеделието и храните Явор Гечев и Министъра на иновациите и растежа Александър Пулев. В рамките на втория панел на събитието Илия Годев, член на екипа на Национално сдружение „Планинско мляко“, партньор по проект DL TECH Up, представи целите на проекта, неговите дейности и възможностите за изследователи, производители, ИТ разработчици и start-up фирми, които той ще насърчи чрез създаването и реализацията на акселерираща програма за използване на блокчейн технологиите в сектор „агро-храни“. Всичко за събитието на български език, в това число панелисти и презентации, можете да намерите на адрес: