Project "EnvironmentYou": International Exchange Study Visit on circular economy

Jul 26, 2021

Euroregion Nestos-Mesta in the framework of the project "EnvironmentYou - Environmental Management Enhancement by Youth-runed SMEs", which focuses on the development of specially designed eco-friendly promotion and organization processes while aiming at the successful dissemination and effective implementation of the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in the agricultural production, successfully organized the first in face-to-face International Exchange Study Visit in Drama on the 25th of June 2021.

The study visit focused on the application of circular economy model in activities related to the agricultural sector. The agenda included field trips and scheduled visits to local agricultural enterprises where the circular economy-practices are applied in production and processing processes by recirculating all raw materials without generating waste outputs.

The thematic field trips were also supported by well-focused presentation prepared by the Professors of the International Hellenic University, based in Drama. These presentations, specifically, were linked to the utilization of the cutting-edge applications of technology that apply eco-friendly practices in the production process.

See the video from the event here.

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