REGIOSTARS Awards 2019: support your favourite project with a like

May 31, 2019

199 submissions arrived this year for REGIOSTARS 2019, the annual competition rewarding excellence and new approaches in regional development.  
You can support your favourite project with a like by clicking the button on the top right. These votes will be added to the public choice – which will be presented at the awards ceremony in October.

Our Project INTERSYC is also competing in Category 5 - Modernising health services (Topic of the year) VOTE here

  Partner Search

Looking for potential beneficiaries to discuss starting a new project? Or you want to join an existing partnership? This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in your project.

  Programme Projects

Search the projects financed by the Programme!

  Search for project Beneficiaries!

If you already have a clear project idea but still need partners or if you want to join an existing partnership, then you are at the right place!

This is a good place to search for and establish contact with people who are interested in participating in a project.