Reducing access inequalities in primary healthcare for socially significant diseases at CB Area’s deprived communities


Project Number – MIS 5022591
Priority axis 4 - A Socially Inclusive Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 9a - Investing in health and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational
Intervention fields 053. Health infrastructure
Call 2nd Call for proposals under priority axes 2 & 4
Lead Beneficiary General hospital of Thessaloniki “G. Papanikolaou” - PHT Organic Unit Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki
Beneficiaries Cardiology Society of Northern Greece
Diagnostic and Consulting Center “Aleksandrovska” Ltd
Intermunicipal Agency of Western Countryside of Thessaloniki ‘Nefeli’
Multispecialty Hospital for Active Treatment Devin JSC
Regional Health Insurance Fund of Blagoevgrad
Start Date Dec 15, 2017
End Date Sep 14, 2023
Budget 1.683.157,70 €
ERDF Contribution 1.430.684,05 €
National Contribution 252.473,66 €
The CB area includes some of the most deprived and isolated communities (mountainous and rural) of both countries with high Health inequalities in the CB area that are shaped by the inequalities in availability, access and quality of services, by the financial burden these impose on people, and even by the linguistic, cultural and gender-based barriers.
The general objective of the Project is to reduce health inequalities in CB area by protecting citizens from socially sensitive diseases, promoting health prevention, foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles and encouraging innovation in health.

The Project will focus on the following categories of diseases:
a) main non-communicable diseases (NCDs) mainly cardiovascular diseases (including cholesterol), chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes 40% of the population affected 
b) Psychiatric (mental) diseases
Both of the above categories of diseases are related to deprivation, poverty, inequality and other social and economic determinants of health.
The main delivered outputs of  “equal2health” project are:
1) 1 joint “Observatory equal2health for socially significant diseases” in CB area 
2) 2 Mobile Units for providing medical exams and prevention awareness campaign in all CB area.
3) 2 Pilot Action implementation on deprived & isolated communities (1 in Roma community in Diavata Thessaloniki, 1 in Mountainous/rural isolated area of Nedelino Municipality in Rhodopi mountain). 
4) Awareness campaign to main taget population and to Medical Staff and Autorities
5)Policy recommendation on reducing health inequalities and dealing with the commonly and socially significant diseases. 

The outputs contribute to the achievement of specific objective of the Programme as well as to the achievement of its output and result indicators. The issue of equal access to health is an important EU policy, which recently have been put in high priority and by now so little progress have been achieved. The project with its research and recommendations will contribute substantially to National compliance with EU relevant policies and priorities. 


D.2.3.1_Project Results Presentation_EN.GR
D.2.4.2_Project Brochure_EN.BG.GR

Flyer_Cardiovascular Diseases (EN/EL)
Flyer_Dementia (EN/EL)
Flyer_Prevention & Mental Health (EN/EL)
Flyer_Stress (EN/EL)
Flyer_Headache (EN/EL)
VIDEOS (GR with EN subtitles)

D.2.3.1_A Guide for medical personel_EN / GR

D.3.1.3_Analysis of current situation in health inequalities for socially significant diseases in GR CB area_EN
D.3.4.1_Analysis of current situation in health inequalities for socialy significant diseases in-BG CB area_BG

D.3.1.1_Rapid literature review on Covid19 & mental health_EN
D.3.3.1_Establishment of Equal2health Network in GR CB area_GR
D.5.2.1_Recommendations on policies, programmes and action plans in GR CB areas _EN / GR
D.5.3.1_Impact Assessment of equal2health project_EN

D.4.4.2_On-going Evaluation of Pilot Actions_Manual for detection & prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases for the interventiom area_BG
D.4.4.2_On-going Evaluation of Pilot Actions_Manual for detection & prevention of Ophthalmological Diseases for the intervention area_BG
D.4.4.2_On-going-Evaluation of Pilot Actions_Manual for detection & prevention of Pulmonology Diseases for the intervention area_BG

Establishment of a Joint Observatory for Socially Significant Diseases in the Cross Border Area. The Observatory is located in the premises of Psychiatric Unit of Papanikolaou Hospital in Stauroupoli, Thessaloniki and is equipped with a newly purchased equipment for the main socially significant diseases: cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, psychiatric and neurologic. The Observatory is easily accessible (and target) to social vulnerable groups for medical exams and consultation.
A secondary (Antenna) office is located in Smolyan in premises of the Regional Health Insurunsce Fund, mainly for administrative actions (data, indicators, planning etc)
The scope of the Observatory is to act as the “Observatory of socially significant diseases” for the population of the Cross Border Area with specific interest on deprived (areas at-risk of poverty), isolated (mountainous, rural areas with limited access to primary health care units) and marginalized (eg. ex-drug addicts, roma etc) communities which are the communities with highest inequalities in healthcare access. The Observatory provides the following services and activities:
- Analysis of current situation of Cross Border Area: relevant strategies, policies, programmes, previous relevant action plans and its results, available statistical data, health indicators. - Development and collection of data and health inequalities indicators by age, sex, socio-economic status and geographic dimension;
- Basic medical examinations for the reference diseases: mainly cardiovascular diseases (including cholesterol), chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, psychiatric diseases/ depression and headaches;
- Raising awareness campaign for preventive medical examination as well as “prevention through healthy lifestyle”;
- Establishment of an “Open Network” between various stakeholders as: Medical Staff, Local & Regional Authorities, Hospitals and Primary Health Care Units, Regional & National Health Authorities, Civil Society etc. for exchanging: a) know-how on the specific diseases (eg. presentations-trainings from Psychiatric & Cardiology Partners): causes, treatments, prevention etc. b) proposal-ideas between the stakeholders in order to reduce the barriers of equal access to primary health care system for specific deprived and isolated communities.

D.4.6.1_Medical Examinations


D.3.1.1_Medical Equipment / Office Equipment / Mobile Health Unit



D.4.6.1_Medical Equipment




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