
Project Number – MIS 5070611
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3a - Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators
Intervention fields 066. Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services)
Lead Beneficiary Association “Business Center-Maritza”
Beneficiaries Federation of Professional, Crafts and Trade Associations of Evros
Start Date Jan 13, 2021
End Date Aug 30, 2023
Budget 250.122,00 €
ERDF Contribution 212.603,70 €
National Contribution 37.518,30 €
The overall objective of the project is to establish a Trans-border Bio-area for agriculture, stock breeding and aquacultures & secure its sustainable functioning as a pilot model for other organizations and companies in the region and other trans-border regional programmes. The expected change that the project will make is related to providing pilot support to the entrepreneurship in the CB area & providing benefits from economies of scale, joint marketing, promotion of CB products. The Main outputs: creation of CB bio-area; creation of pilot partners network with common strategic documents; promoted working sustainable bio-area practices; developed bio area map suited to CB region’s needs, statute & founding documents pertaining to the governance of the area, financial stability plan, 5 year business strategy plan for governing body structure plan; promoted CB bio-area; promoted bio area activities to the general public; promoted partner approach in bio-agriculture & increased cumulative effect; achieving positive impact on sustainability of newly created enterprises in bio/organic farming sector; presentation & promotion of region’s potential; transfer of marketing concepts & models between the entrepreneurs on both sides of the border; increasing the competitiveness of participating enterprises & their market potential in the CB area; raised competitiveness & common economic & trade activity of the companies & farmers from Haskovo & Evros; raised information for organic farming & bio-food sector, for the project and the Programme.


Project_Brochure-BG_EN / GR_EN

D.3.1.1_Brochure_Research on bio production_EN / BG / GR
D.3.1.1_Research_Bio-production_Haskovo_EN / BG / GR

D.3.1.2_Brochure_Perspectives_problems_bio_Haskovo_EN / BG / GR
D.3.1.2_Perspectives_problems_bio_Haskovo_EN / BG / GR

D.3.1.3_Research_geographical_indication_EN / BG / GR

D.2.2.1_Report_organic product certification in GR_EN
D.3.2.2_Organic Farmers’ Markets_EN
D.4.2.4_PDO-PGI-TSG Products_EN
D.5.2.1_Organic Production_EN

D.4.1.1_Common strategy_EN / BG / GR
D.4.1.1_Analysis_education_program_recomendations_(BG with EN abstr)
D.4.1.1_Analysis_creating_clusters_(BG with EN abstr)
D.4.1.1_Cooperation_agreements_(BG with EN abstr)
D.4.1.1_Tools_investments_(BG with EN abstr)

D.4.1.2_Founding_documents_EN / BG / GR
D.4.1.2_Links_video lessons in BG on legislation & admininstrative requirements regarding bio production_BG

Interactive map of Haskovo-Evros bio region:
Study & Database_commercial and food service establishments in Haskovo region, included in the National Register of Public Food and Retail Trade Facilities, Sector "Food Service Establishments" (PART 1 / PART2 _BG with EN abstr)

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