PhotoMetallic and Mikoni


Project Number – MIS 5104589
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3d - Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Intervention fields 064. Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation)
Beneficiaries MIKONI LTD
Start Date Dec 31, 2020
End Date Dec 30, 2022
Budget 460,805.00 €
ERDF Contribution 254,594.76 €
National Contribution 44,928.49 €
The purpose of the present investment plan can be summarized as “Invest- Develop-Grow”: • Invest: Invest in solar energy and contribute to the EU guidelines for taking actions against the climate change and the amount of energy produced in the EU member states by Renewable Energy Sources. • Develop: Develop two solar plants on a land field and on a factory building roof. • Grow: Grow the turnover and the amount of personnel employed by the two Project Beneficiaries by launching a new Product that will be used and tested in real time in the two solar plants and will be subsequently sold to new markets. The investment plan fulfils the key program’s expected results because the NACE codes of the enterprises are not the same but complementary and exhibit high functional integration and necessity for the plan objectives. The direct benefits of the investment plan for two Beneficiaries are: • The sale of electrical energy to the Grid Operator produced by the PV plant on a land field of the Lead Project Beneficiary with nominal power of 500kW. • The reduction of costs for heating the premises of the Project Beneficiary by the use of the electrical energy produced by the PV plant with nominal power of 30kW, on the factory building roof, and thus increasing the profit margin from sales revenue.

The Lead Beneficiary will provide the design, documentation, testing in real conditions on land field, and distribution of the new Product (metallic mountings for PV-PhotoVoltaic panels with variable inclination) in Greece and other export markets. The PV market in Greece is booming because of the recent revised legislation for Renewable Energy projects, that ensures stability and credibility of the licensing model and sustainability of the pricing incentives for the electrical energy produced by PV plants. There are neighboring markets as well with a strong demand for PV equipment such as Ukraine that offers the highest Feed-In-Tariffs in Europe, Romania that offers marketable Green Certificates, Turkey, Middle East, North Africa, and some other EU member states that are still offering incentives. The Project Beneficiary will undertake the industrial production of the new Product, its’ testing in real conditions on a building roof, and the distribution of the Product in his domestic market. The Project Beneficiary will take advantage of his existing production facilities, the planned expansion of his storage capabilities, the employment of additional workforce, his experience as a designer and manufacturer of metal structures and components as well as tailor made solutions, and the highly competitive labor cost in Bulgaria.



Construction of a solar plant in Didymoticho, prefecture of Evros, including the following works:
- Project design and engineering: Design of the metallic mounting for bifacial PV panels suitable for absorbing the solar irradiation on both sides of the mountings and for withstanding the prevailing wind pressure.Civil and electrical engineering for the construction of the solar plant including the specification of the individual equipment, the energy production modelling, the layout of the photovoltaic arrays and inverters, the cable and earthing routing, and the specification of low / medium voltage substation. 
- The procurement of the individual equipment: Solar panels; Components for the metallic mountings; DC / DC / MV Cabling; DC / AC Inverters; LV / MV Substation; Earthing components; Lightning protection; Communication equipment 
- Construction works:Excavations; Foundations; Earthing and cable installation; Erection of mounting structures; Solar panels and inverter installation; Substation installation 





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