SOS for endangered traditional vine varieties


Project Number – MIS 5016071
Priority axis 2 - A Sustainable and Climate adaptable Cross-Border area
Investment priorities 6d - Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure
Intervention fields 085. Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure
086. Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites
Call 2nd Call for proposals under priority axes 2 & 4
Lead Beneficiary Executive Agency on Vine and Wine
Beneficiaries Association Prosperity and Development in Bulgaria
Exhibition Research Institute
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Department of Agricultural Technology
Start Date Oct 12, 2017
End Date Oct 11, 2021
Budget 1.106.507,00 €
ERDF Contribution 940.530,95 €
National Contribution 165.976,05 €
The project addresses main common challenges and problems in the CB-area related to the local biodiversity and vine varieties, especially those in Natura 2000 sites. The high level of local biodiversity is threatened by undesirable loss of genetic material due to climate change and human activities related to agricultural, tourism and urban development. Reduction or even disappearance of many local vine genotypes is the result from the contemporary wine production and introducing of new varieties over the past years. Despite of foreign, local varieties have excellent adaptation to the microenvironment and their cultivation is contributing for the sustainability of natural resources in local level.

Being part of one local eco-system, the vine varieties in the CB-area are not biologically influenced by the administrative borders. Their protection and conservation require common measures and activities, which is the approach for new solution that the project provides – joint DNA analysis and research, joint trainings and workshops for representatives of the target group and the development of Integrated Strategy for management of local biodiversity in terms of traditional vines.
The project will add high CB-value to the local management of eco-systems through the development of joint recommendations to relevant authorities and through the implementation of joint pilot actions such as development of experimental fields for traditional vines and specialized Ampelographic book. One of the main project activities will support the long term conservation and protection of local vines by launching of procedure for Protected Designation of Origin. This will contribute for the popularization of both CB-regions not only in national, but in a world level, giving them unique identification and image.
The main project objective is to promote and enable the long term conservation of vines, especially those in Natura 2000 and moreover to improve the conservation status of local vine varieties; to analyze and sustain local species through joint scientific work and to create mechanisms for protection and conservation of species in general that can be used for other species and regions. 
The project promotion activities will target and address specific group of disabled people - blind people - by development of specialized brochures and Guidelines for sustainable agricultural practices in Braille. 

The sustainability of the project will be ensured by the Training Center, established under the project, which will provide online and offline trainings to stakeholders after the project ends. The created partnership will add value to the partner organizations, increasing their capacity to work for protection and conservation of the biodiversity.


D4.4.3_Ampelographic book_GR.EN

D.2.4.2: Papers:
1. Kourkouridis, D. (2020) Possibilities and Opportunities of Wine Tourism Development in the Cross-Border Region of Greece-Bulgaria Through the Protection of Traditional Vine Varieties. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, July-Aug. 2020, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 140-149. DOI:
2. Papapetrou, M.; Loukovitis, D.; Papadopoulos, O.; Kazlari, Z.; Peristeraki, A.; Arsenova, S.; Bardarova, D.; Doncheva, D.; Theocharis, S.; Karagiannidis, C.; Koundouras, S.; Giannakoula, A.; Aggelopoulos, S.; Chatziplis, D. Genetic Diversity of Local Greek and Bulgarian Grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) Varieties. Diversity 202012, 273.

D.4.4.1_Legislation in practice_training material 1_EN
D.4.4.1_Legislation in practice_training material 2_EN

D.5.4.3_Protected Designation of Origin_GR


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