Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia Politeia Politismou -


Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3d - Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Intervention fields 064. Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation)
Lead Beneficiary Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia Politeia Politismou
Beneficiaries RETRO BLITZ LTD.
Start Date Jul 09, 2021
End Date Jul 08, 2023
Budget 384.280,00 €
ERDF Contribution 212.314,70 €
National Contribution 37.467,30 €
The proposed investment plan is to create / modernize 2 similar businesses, namely multi-cultural spaces for hosting performing arts and other cultural events. It will involve young people from every place looking to outsmart their talents, their work and their creations.The purpose of the investment is at its end to join 2 separate cultural activities and host educational and museum programs for schools, to support seminars, conferences and conferences, to create new work for young people under the age of 30 years, to be able to host formations from all over the world, to create a forum for creation of new people of every ethnicity and origin and to contribute to the creation of a wider multicultural community in the CB area.


Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia Politeia Politismou -

Construction Works
chair elevator to assist accessibility of people with movement disabilities, rennovation of an office renovation and of the theatre seats




New machinery and equipment
Electric curtain; Large Cinema Screen; Projectors and 2 Mak Books Pro; Speakers, microphones, cables; Digital console, Dell laptop, cables, microphones
Security systems and/or any protective system against hazards: fire alarm system and sprinklers






Machines and equipment
Sing-needle flat seam with sewing area 30x20 cm with a device for sewing labels (KANSAY); three pieces of Automatic single-needle (HONREY); one piece Double needle straight machine, with large grapple and puller (KANSAY); three pieces of U-shaped machine (HONREY); one piece Double-needle triple-conveyor bottle machine (HONYU); one piece Single needle double end button machine with hopper (KANSAY); three pieces Electronic single-needle double-ended pont machine (KANSAY); one piece Single-needle double-ended gripper machine for programmable stitches with a working field of 22x12 cm., with a device for sewing labels (KANSAY);  two pieces of Flatlock (SHING LING);   one piece of Single-needle double-ended grapple machine for programmable stitches with a laser with a working field of 120x80 cm (KANSAY).




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