Modernization of steel structures to transfer know-how and cooperation to new markets


Project Number – MIS 5104578
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3d - Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Intervention fields 064. Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation)
Start Date Dec 29, 2020
End Date Dec 28, 2023
Budget 557.139,50 €
ERDF Contribution 307.819,57 €
National Contribution 54.321,10 €
The business KOUTALIOS Private Company – Leader beneficiary was recently established, trying to meet the needs for the metal structures market, metal structures for loading machines, other battery accessories and the manufacturing of industrial cylinders for various uses. Through the investment plan, the business aims to develop its activities and to acquire the necessary certifications and visibility in order to cooperate with the Bulgarian partner and complement each other by operating one complementary to the activities of the other, thus enhancing the added value of the produced products. To be able to implement that it has concluded that for the investment plan will be included Machinery. In order to acquire the necessary certifications, there is the need to obtain the ISO 9001 & ISO14000 certifications, as well as the appropriate software and computers. Lastly, there is interest in participating in various exhibitions, doing the right promotion and also staffing his new activities with new staff including a mechanic engineer with more than 10 years of experience.

The Enterprise Alcoinvest Ltd, is also active in the metal construction sector. The company so far is involved with the installation of pergolas and aluminum windows. In order to process them, it  cooperates with other companies due to the equipment cannot meet the demand. Because of that it faces a business challenge. Through the Interreg program, the company will order a machine, which is the most complete equipment for the company's needs where so far only one order like that exists in Bulgaria. This means that with this equipment it will acquire an important position in the market of metal constructions, windows and other kinds. The challenge is not to remain on the local market but to move beyond it.

The investment will give competitive advantages to the companies through the sharing of workload and co-operation to produce large scale products. This will result in lower costs but also products with specifications that can run on multiple markets, since an important component of the investment plan is experience in two different markets with other customer needs but also other features that affect the products such as climate, labor costs, a different mix of target customers in terms of income and preferences in designs and quality of products.

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