
Project Number – MIS 5106584
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3d - Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Intervention fields 064. Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation)
Lead Beneficiary Drim 2020
Start Date Dec 08, 2020
End Date Dec 07, 2023
Budget 477.954,95 €
ERDF Contribution 264.070,11 €
National Contribution 46.600,61 €
The project objectives within the current investment plan are: Increasing employment opportunities in the both enterprises - skilled personnel; Increasing the overall export activity by PBE; increasing productive capacity of the PBE by incorporating new technology which can handle higher volumes of production; increase the capability of border area SME participating in the investment plan and access to new markets and expand their economic activity to new market segments and new geographic; reducing service costs through strategic agreements between the two enterprises; presentation and promotion of produced feta cheese in BG in order to achieve the PBE's strategic development goals; working partnership between the two enterprises.

Through a common visual framework, the investment plan will achieve better results in positioning and creating a common brand for the two participating businesses. This will further facilitate the transfer of tourists from Greece to Bulgaria and from Bulgaria to Greece. Internet presence is one of the key benefits to which this investment plan relies. The Marketing research is justified by the correct and expert provision of information about the market situation and the area, development of market objectives, development of market strategies and their realization in a common planning process.

The expected outputs from the implementation of the project and respectively the realization of the activities are:
- realization of the entrepreneurial market idea and the investment plan
- achieving a positive impact on the sustainability of the newly created enterprise
- Established job stability and achieved growth by realizing and marketing the entrepreneurial idea and the investment plan
- Increasing the overall export activity of PBE
- higher added value of the finished product and more competitive prices
- creation of new employment positions
- presentation and promotion of produced feta cheese in BG
- transfer and development of marketing concepts and models
- increasing the competitiveness of the participating enterprises and their market potential in the Cross-Border area.
- improving service quality
- increase promotion of the investment plan, LBE and PBE, Program and Grant Scheme

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