Establishment of equipment for: Better quality for the final product Increasing Production Capacity. Establishment of a Beverage Company for exclusive cooperation with the producer partner


Project Number – MIS 5106580
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3d - Supporting the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes
Intervention fields 064. Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation)
Beneficiaries VINOS LTD
Start Date Dec 29, 2020
End Date Dec 28, 2023
Budget 583.179,02 €
ERDF Contribution 322.206,41 €
National Contribution 56.859,95 €
Through the cooperation of two neighboring companies, a major investment project will emerge The winery will be modernized with modern machines of French origin that ensure better grape characteristics and give a better quality product. A Wine Wholesaler Company will be set up to promote exclusively the wines of the transnational partner, promoting not only the product but also the sense of the society that surrounds each wine.
The expected results of the project are: A) The empowerment of a small winery enterprise, which through the actions of the investment can face competition in a ever more demanding market B) The creation of a new wine distributor. Indeed, the statement that exclusivity belongs to the products of the transnational partner gives the investment results a particular weight. C) Creation of a new product by the winery D) Creating 4 new job positions



New machinery and equipment
Automatic capper  also serves for placing corks as well as screw caps
4X 7.000lt tank red winemaking tanks - winemakers, 3X 3.000lt fermentation - settling tanks, 3. 4X1.000lt storage tanks and 2X500lt storage tanks
auxiliary equipment: refrizarator room, 10 temperature controllers, grape destemmer, peristaltic pummp, oak barrels, wine filter, printing machine, pressure wash machine



Participating in three wine tasting events in Greece
1. Thessaloniki 12/2023 TASTE MAP
2. Athena 2022, OINORAMΑ
3. Athima 2023, OINORAMΑ



Construction/remodelling of warehousing/logistics spaces:
Covering with two layers of waterproofing; Installation of PVC windows; Installation of doors; Thermal insulation on external walls and plaster; Making plumbing channels and laying pipes; Making an EL installation; Putty on interior walls; Laying granite tiles on the floor; Laying thermal insulation on the ceiling; Making a suspended ceiling; Painting walls and ceilings; Making a vertical layout

reconstruction of the roof







building facade

water & sewer & electricity plan



vertical layout


New machinery and equipment & vehicle for products' and visitors' transportation
charilift, rementator, storage container, grape destemmer, press, pump, wine filter, maturing barrels, bottle washer, filling bottles, filling wine boxes, shelves for the needs of organizing and storing bottled wines from import to final disposal, furniture from tables to chairs for the equipment of the wine tasting area showroom






3 tasting and communication events of the showroom in the wider community of the city of Smolyan and the neighboring ski center Pamporovo


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