Entrepreneurship innovation encouragement


Inno Wave
Project Number – MIS 5070630
Priority axis 1 - A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Investment priorities 3a - Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators
Intervention fields 066. Advanced support services for SMEs and groups of SMEs (including management, marketing and design services)
Start Date Apr 15, 2021
End Date Jun 15, 2023
Budget 408.710,00 €
ERDF Contribution 347.403,50 €
National Contribution 61.306,50 €
Website https://innowave-interreg.eu/en/
The project idea was born as an opportunity for joint overcoming of pressing problems in the field of entrepreneurship and business development in the CBR between BG & GR. The common challenges tackled by the project are:
- Difficulties in obtaining business finance: The funds finance priority sectors of the economy, certain activities and money do not reach all CB entrepreneurs. Banks also find it difficult to finance SMEs that do not have adequate collateral.
- Limited access to business know-how: For both countries – BG and GR the business model of self-development is typical. There is a lack of networks to support entrepreneurs in their businesses and sharing of know- how.
- Limited access to general information and contacts: Entrepreneurs in the border region suffer from a lack of enough information about other working companies with whom they can collaborate. They have no capacity for activities other than direct day-to-day operations.
-Lack of support services for developing competitive products-services: Entrepreneurs in the region are not able to pay for expensive external services to optimize their products/services. There are no ways and methods to develop new products/services that are competitive in the market.
-Lack of access regarding cost saving technologies: The lack of networks and organizations by type of economic sector determines the lack of know-how among SMEs. For this reason, the cost they achieve is high and does not allow them to reach competitive market levels.
- Lack of capacity to generate innovation: There is almost no connection between business and the scientific community.
During the project implementation events of different forms will be held, covering topics such as: research and innovation, technologies, management, marketing, law & standards, business financing, networking, Circular economy, etc. The project envisages the conduction of original events on a large scale including webbinars, distance interactive trainings, simulations of real market conditions and situations. An innovative feature of the project is the establishment of sustainable relations between the business sectors and scientific circles in the CB area. In addition, a web-platform for business support will be developed.


D.2.1.2_Project Leaflet_EN.GR.BG
D.2.1.5_Project Results_presentation_EN
D.2.3.3_Booklet with project results_EN.GR

INNOWAVE_project video_EN subs

D.4.1.2_Consultancy sessions in BG_Entrepreneurship innovation encouragement_presentations_EN
D.4.2.2_Consultancy sessions in GR_presentations_EN.GR

D.4.1.2_Business club forum in BG_presentations_EN
D.4.2.2_Business club forum in GR_presentations_EN.BG.GR

D.4.1.2_Info sessions in BG_presentations_EN
D.4.2.2_Information sessions in GR_presentations_EN.GR

D.5.3.2_Webinar_Mini Ecosystem 1_presentations_EN
D.5.3.2_Webinar_Mini Ecosystem 2_presentations_EN
D.5.3.2_Webinar_Mini Ecosystem 3_presentations_EN

D.5.1.2_B2B meeting in BG_presentations_EN
D.5.2.2_B2B meeting in GR_EN

D.5.1.2_Consultancy sessions in BG_Business financing sources_presentations_EN
D.5.2.2_Information events on Business financing in GR_EN

D.5.1.2_Trainings in BG_presentations_EN
D.5.2.2_Trainings in GR_EN

D.5.2.2_Inno & Research Workshop in GR_presentations_EN.GR
D.5.3.2_Inno & Research Workshop in BG_presentations_EN

D.5.2.2_Mini Maker Fair in GR_EN
D.5.3.2_Mini Maker Fair in BG_presentations_EN

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